28 June 2011

playing in the rain (with pictures!)

I've been trying to get the kids outside to play more recently for a variety of reasons (they seem to like it, it's good for them to play with others, it gets me out of the house, it's good for their eyes...), so joining the Sitka Outdoor Kids group seemed like a great idea. We've managed to make it to two playground dates so far and we're going to try to get involved with their initiative to build a new community playground in town.

Today was a very . . . Sitka day. The kids have been excited to get outside for a few days since our last hike, but the weather and other factors have just not cooperated. Today, I decided that I'd do my best to get them out regardless.

They both have good wet-weather boots, but I didn't really want them climbing on play equipment with those crappy soles and put them in good shoes instead, plus Porter doesn't have any real rain gear and Seren only has a good jacket. This meant that they were guaranteed to get wet pretty quickly, especially when they were going down slides that were nearly waterslides! After about a half hour of puddle stomping and running in the wet mulch, it seemed advisable to head home. As I type this, the kids are very happily throwing sponges at each other in a warm bath.

Pictures! Instead of sticking to tradition, I'm not going to narrate each of these images. The other children pictured are Birch and Ry, the sons of the lady who runs Sitka Outdoor Kids. They were far better prepared for the wet than we were!


  1. my dear friend...i agree with you on all points except for 1...what good is playing in the rain if you don't get soaked to the skin? i would say seren and porter are much better prepared for properly playing in the wet...looks like fun.

  2. i am so glad you are allowing your children to experience playing in the rain- this is what many, if not most, kids today are missing out on due to parents SO worried about a little bit of dirt or muck.

    don't worry about crappy soles on boots- use those next time instead of good shoes!

  3. After Porter fell off a slide ladder twice last week, my preference is for soles with grip when it's wet and I know they'll be climbing. If they're hiking or running around, the boots are the way to go.
